March Face Paint Challenge Day 1

Hello Marchers!

Welcome to day 1, we’re happy you are here 🙂

Todays prompt

These are a few of my favourite things:


    • A favourite design

    • Favourite colour combo or palette

    • Have more than one favourite design? How about a mashup

It’s the first day so HAVE FUN and paint, paint, paint. Preferably on skin and ideally a face!

Here’s my day 1 from years 1, 2 and 3:



I guess I can say what my favourite design is already!

Posting your entries:

Entries are due by 10am the following day. 

Post on social media and tag @marchfacepaintchallenge

If you’re using whatsapp, please forward to me in the whatsapp group.


Use the hash tags: 




It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

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