Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Are you a network memberBBFPN MemberNon MemberOtherWhat skills are you hoping to learn or improve from these sessions. *Line WorkBases, sponge workStencilingOrganising your kitInspiration and creativityColour workBling and accessoriesPromoting your businessDealing with clientsSocial MediaWebsites and contact formsMailing listsFlyers and stationeryCreating a memorable expierienceBest practicesPracticingKids DesignsAdult designsFloralsTeardropsOtherChoose as many as applicableWhat else might you like to work on? *Any other commentsI am joining the 2025 March challenge *YesNoI will be submitting my entries via: *InstagramFacebookTikTokWhatsappPhone Number *GDPR Agreement *I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.Join our mailing list *YesNoYes, Just for this and future challengesYou may unsubscribe, easily at any point, only challenge related emails will be sent.Submit